Spring jobs in the cottage garden
Spring always seems to arrive that little bit earlier at Gardeners Cottage in Blakeney than in other parts of Norfolk, We think this is because the garden is so sheltered and south facing.
Everywhere we look snowdrops, aconites, cyclamen & spring bulbs are bursting into life and colour. We always find this a very exciting time in the garden and a great opportunity to get outside and give it a good tidy up. Cutting back the plants that we have left to stand over winter to give some structure to the garden. The robin follows us as we tidy up the borders.
Jobs in the cottage garden for this month
Finish tidying up the borders
Turn the compost
Mulch the borders with any compost that is ready to use
Weed borders
Fill bird feeders
Prune roses
Clear gutters and drains of leaves
Rake the gravel
The snowdrop walks at Walsingham priory gardens are magnificent this month and well worth a visit if you are in Norfolk in February. Little Walsingham is about a 15 minute drive from Blakeney. You can take dogs on leads around the gardens and its a very nice woodland walk. You also get to see the ruins of the old priory.
The snowdrop walks are open daily until Sunday 4th March 2018. 10am-4pm.
Entry Prices
Adult £5.00.
Child 6-16 £2.50
Dogs free (on leads )
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