Gardener's Cottage Blakeney

Gardeners Cottage Blakeney Golden FeverFew Seeds 2024

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Gardeners Cottage Blakeney Golden Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)

  • A native short-lived perennial that grows in Blakeney and our Mid Norfolk Garden
  • Traditional cottage garden flower
  • Bee friendly wildflower
  • Self-seeds abundantly when established
  • Small, single open flowers with white petals and yellow centers that are bee-friendly 
  • Forms neat tufty clumps of lime green foliage in spring which darkens by the end of the season. A cottage garden favourite
  • Very easy to grow, and can be sown directly by scattering them on the surface where you want them to germinate. Easy to transplant young plants
  • Seed sown in autumn may over-winter and germinate the following spring
  • Sow March to April and will flower the same year
  • Flowers in a big flush May/June but will repeat flower September if cut back hard after the first flush.
  • Does well in full sun and well-drained soil, plant vigor weakens in year two, so best treated as a biennial.

We grow golden feverfew for the wonderful lime-yellow-green young foliage. Even without the flowers, this daisy is worth growing for the foliage alone. But then this wonderful little daisy gives an annual blast of fresh white in our garden every year,

I plant is as a hedge behind our boulder-edged gravel paths, planting young 20-30 leaf plants about 9 inches apart, these grow into a lime green low step-over hedge which explodes into a carpet of tiny daisy flowers in May and can be cut back to flush again in September in mild seasons.

Plants are hardy but tend to get woody and un-tidy in year 3, so it is best treated as a short-lived perenial or biennial.

Golden Feverfew Seed Pack Sizes

Feverfew seeds are really tiny and our standard pack contains 1/8tsp by volume which contains between 200 - 250 seeds

We also offer a larger 1/4tsp by volume pack which will give you between 400 - 500 seeds

All seeds will be collected in 2024 and will contain some husk and flower debris, as is the way with hand collected seed.